
4 Common Types Of Solar Photovoltaic Brackets


4 Common Types Of Solar Photovoltaic Brackets

1. Sloping roof photovoltaic system:

Use adjustable height parts to meet some requirements of different thicknesses of tile roofs.
  • Most of the accessories are designed with multiple openings, which can realize the flexible adjustment of the position of the bracket.
  • Does not damage the waterproofing system of the roof.

2. Flat roof photovoltaic system:
There are also many forms of photovoltaic system flat roofs, such as: concrete flat roofs, color steel flat roofs, steel structure flat roofs, spherical joint roofs, etc. Their characteristics are:
  • It can be laid neatly on a larger scale.
  • Have a variety of stable and reliable connection with the foundation.

3. Ground photovoltaic system:
Generally used in ground photovoltaic power station projects, concrete strips are often used as the basic form. Its characteristics are:
  • The structure is streamlined and can be installed quickly.
  • The adjustment form is relatively flexible and can be adjusted according to the complex requirements of the construction site.

4. Column solar support:
This system is a ground-reinforced structure mainly to meet the installation requirements of large-size battery modules, and is generally used in areas with high wind speeds.

Xiamen Mibet Energy Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise with advanced patented technology and efficient services. It specializes in R&D, manufacturing and sales of solar energy products. It has successively launched ground photovoltaic brackets, roof photovoltaic brackets, floating systems on water, and intelligent tracking. A series of high-quality products and solutions such as systems and distributed photovoltaics.

Important considerations for installing a solar system


With the expansion and popularity of energy-saving goals, the use of solar panel systems in people's daily lives has also become more and more popular. When installing a solar system, the most important consideration may be the construction and selection of the solar panel support. The success of solar systems depends on whether there is enough sunlight to capture enough usable solar energy to convert into usable energy.

If your system is not installed correctly, you will not get enough sunlight to make your investment viable. There are generally two types of solar installations: mobile and non-mobile solar installations. The key to the solar panel bracket is to have equipment that can be used for several years and withstand different weather conditions.

There are four commonly used materials for solar panel brackets: aluminum, angle iron, wood and stainless steel. Aluminum is light and corrosion resistant, but easy to use but difficult to weld. Angle iron works well, but it corrodes quickly. If you live in a humid environment, you should avoid using this material. Wood is cheap and easy to obtain, and although it is easy to work, it may not be affected by the weather for a long time. Stainless steel is very suitable for longevity, but it is expensive to use. This is great in areas with many different weather types.

A good bracket will take into account the wind load at the specific angle where you want to install the solar panel. Good advice from a local contractor can provide you with guidance in this regard so that you can consider this factor. In general, plan for the worst type of weather that may occur in your area and consider it based on the type of installation you purchase and install.

If you plan to use the tracker with solar panels, you need to make sure that it requires very little energy and electricity, just like a single-axis tracker. The tracker allows your solar panel to move and capture most of the sun's rays for energy. It is recommended to use concrete with anchor bolts to hold your tracker firmly in place.

Solar panel supports can also be placed on the roof, but it is more complicated than placing them on the ground or poles. Solar panels installed on the roof will definitely cause roof leaks, so please consider the weather in your area before installing such brackets. Over time, continuous leaking of your roof can cause serious damage. The advantage of this type of setup is that it requires less space for solar power generation because the roof has already allocated space on your property.

Finally, when it comes to solar panel supports, what you need is functionality and durability. You will plan ahead where you need to place the solar system and predict different types of weather in the climate. Then, the choice of materials will correspond to this, and your mount type will follow. Once you have all the details, choosing your mount will be easy.

4 Types of Solar Tracking Mounting System


The solar tracking systems are gaining popularity day by day. It has a lot of potential and that is why it is making a huge impact on lifestyles. These solar tracking systems have a lot of benefits and potentials which are of great usage.

PV panel or solar tracking panel mountings come in varied sizes and shapes, which depend on the purpose. Some of these can be mounted over a pole for ease of tracking the sun all through the day. Read on to know about 4 of the main types of solar tracking mounts, and which one is ideal for your solar panel system.

Solar Mount Rail System

These can be used for tilted mounts or for flat roof mounts. Tilt mounts can be placed in the horizontal mode or in a horizontal posture, or in a vertical posture known as the landscape mode. This type of rail system is easy and versatile, and offers plenty of choices. Most of the common rail mounts are first attached onto roofs.

Solar Panel Ground Mounting System

These are possibly the most convenient way to have solar panels mounted. This type of mount looks like an A-frame. It is safest to get this type of structure attached to a slab of cement to keep it secure in position. These types of mounts have been designed to handle anywhere between 1 and 8 solar modules. Such kinds of mounts can be utilized for fixing solar panels to a vertical surface, a roof or to the ground. Some of these mounts are fixed while others have legs which can be adjusted or tilted. There are optional tilt legs of adjustable variety, which area available for panels of varied styles.

Solar Panel Pole Rack Mounting System

These can easily be set up atop a strong pole, and are usually recommended for home solar arrays. Pole top mounts can easily be set up, and can keep solar panels off the surface of the ground and out of danger. These can easily be adjusted and can allow convenient removal of snow. But once snowing stops and the sun peeps through again, you will have to sweep snow from the panels. Naturally, you should consider you should have them placed and how high from the ground and how far from your home you would like to get them placed.

Solar Panel Roof Mounting System

These are great in appearance, but it is difficult to reach them for the adjustment of the angle. You have to consider whether your roof is sloped enough to allow maximum efficiency of the solar panels. You should also consider whether you need to tilt the legs in order to make your panels face the sun in a more perpendicular posture.

Mibetsolar supply reliable and economical solar PV mounting system solutions,contact us and get details.

How to avoid the risks of floating photovoltaic system projects?

Floating photovoltaic power plants have spread all over the world. There are nearly 800 surface photovoltaic power plants in operation and under construction. The cumulative global application has exceeded 1.1GW, involving multiple application scenarios such as drinking water reservoirs, hydroelectric power station reservoirs, offshore waters and extreme cold areas. , Reliability and environmental protection have been widely recognized.
Floating PV Mounting System
How to avoid the risks of floating photovoltaic system projects has become a focus of the industry. We have summarized the following three points. If these three points are well done, project risks can be greatly reduced.

1. Product design is the source

The most basic components of the floating array are floating bodies, brackets, bolts and nuts for water surface photovoltaics. Product design, material selection, processing technology, product testing, etc. not only affect the strength, toughness, environmental protection, weather resistance, and service life of the product itself, but are also basic factors that determine the stability and safety of the floating power station. Using low-end inferior materials and cutting corners to reduce the wall thickness of the floating body will greatly reduce the service life of the system and bring project risks. In addition to adequate project site exploration and strict simulation calculations, a large number of experimental verifications and large-scale actual project operation verifications are also indispensable.

2. The anchoring system design is the key

The role of the anchoring system is to fix the floating array, respond to rising and falling water levels, resist strong winds and waves and water flow, control the displacement range of the floating array, and ensure the safe and stable operation of the surface photovoltaic power station. The design of anchoring system needs to comprehensively consider key environmental factors such as local wind load, water depth and drop, water size, topography, etc. It needs to pass "theory + experiment" analysis and accumulate multiple project implementation experience to ensure safety.

3. After-sales technical guidance is a guarantee

Rich experience in large-scale project installation and construction guidance, professional after-sales technical team, scientific construction platform construction suggestions, and sub-square temporary anchoring schemes and other technical guidance guarantees play an important role in the smooth implementation of the entire project, and can reduce the risk of construction To the lowest. Construction technical guidance is very important to the progress of the project, but a very small number of manufacturers have insufficient after-sales technical guidance and have not fulfilled their responsibilities and obligations.

In order to reduce the project risk as much as possible, the supplier needs to provide specific construction platform design suggestions according to different project terrain characteristics, matching the site terrain conditions and construction schedule requirements.

Xiamen Mibet New Energy Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise with advanced patented technology and efficient services. It specializes in the research and development, manufacturing and sales of solar energy products, and is committed to providing the most reliable and economical solar photovoltaic mounting system solutions. Since the establishment of the company, solar products have been sold to more than 100 countries and regions, becoming one of the largest exporters of solar photovoltaic products.

Types of Solar Panels and How They Work


Types of Solar Panels and How They Work

Is that possible that one day the world could be completely reliant on solar energy? To answer this question, we first need to examine how solar panels work.

What are solar panels?

Solar panels (also known as PV modules) are the core component of the solar power system. It directly influences the power efficiency of the solar power plant. A single solar panel consists of many small PV cells. Each cell is made of crystalline silicon, which can work as a semiconductor. When solar panels are exposed to sunlight, they convert sunlight energy into electricity.

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels consist of smaller units called solar cells. The mainstream solar cells are made from Silicon. It is a semiconductor that is the second most abundant element on Earth. A solar cell is sandwiched between conductive layers. Each silicon atom is connected to its neighbors by four strong bonds which keep the electrons in place so that no current can flow. What’s the key? A silicon solar cell has two different layers of silicon, N-type silicon has extra electrons and P-type silicon has extra spaces for electrons, called holes. Where the two types of silicon meet, electrons can wander across the P/N junction, leaving a positive charge on one side and creating a negative charge on the other.

How do solar panels work

You can think of light as the flow of tiny particles called photons, shooting out from the sun. When one of these photons strikes the silicon cells with enough energy, it can knock an electron from its bond, leaving a hole. The negatively charged electrons and location of the positively charged holes are now free to move around. But because of the electric field at the P/N junction, they’ll only go one way. The electron is drawn to the N-side, while the hole is drawn to the P-side. The mobile electrons are collected by thin metal fingers at the top of the cell. From there, they flow through an external circuit, doing electrical work, like powering a light bulb, before returning through the conductive aluminum sheet on the back. Each silicon cell only puts out half a volt, but you can string them together in modules to give more power.

You can read more about the specifics of the how solar panels work in this blog post if you want to learn more.

Types of solar panel

Currently, there are three types of solar panels in common according to the PV cells: monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline PV modules, and thin film solar panels.

A monocrystalline photovoltaic panel is made of high-purity monocrystalline silicon rods, which are widely used in the photovoltaic industry and have a high photoelectric conversion rate; the four corners of monocrystalline PV cells are rounded, and their color is nearly black; besides, the crafts of monocrystalline cells are more complex and thus the cost is higher.

Polycrystalline photovoltaic modules component of polycrystalline solar cells arrayed in various series and parallel configurations. The four corners of the PV cells are square. Moreover, it is colored sky blue, and the cost of the poly solar panel is lower compared to mono panels.

The thin-film solar panel is made of thin films of semiconductors deposited on glass, plastic, or metal. The films are incredibly thin, often 20 times thinner than c-Si wafers. This makes thin-film solar panels flexible and lightweight. It has high power efficiency under certain situations, like under shading or high temperature.


Solar power is getting better, cheaper, and competing with the electricity from the grid. And innovations, like Topcon cells and HJT cells, may bring solar panels a brighter future.


What kinds of rooftop is suitable for solar installation | Solar Systems Providers

 Many homeowners may be considering solar power as an alternative to saving energy, especially in hot summer. So what are the main considerations should be known before they make an investment in solar power energy?

The following are some advice to customers who are considering installing solar power in their homes.

1: Sufficient sun for solar energy

Since solar energy is generated by the sun, check how many sunny days you get on average annually before making the investment. Orientation can make difference. For example, in the northern hemisphere, it is best to install solar power plants to the south. When the photovoltaic panels face south, the power generation and solar radiation are also the best.

solar systems providers

2: Shadow occlusion

Not all south-facing roofs can be installed with photovoltaic modules. We have to consider that the surrounding trees and other buildings will not block the photovoltaic modules. Obstacles will cause a hot spot effect on solar panels, which will not only affect the overall power generation, but also cause fatal damage to the panels. It needs to be well considered before planning the solar panels layout.

3: Sufficient load-bearing capacity

The roof load-bearing capacity is a problem that must be considered in the initial stage of the design of photovoltaic power plants. Generally speaking, installing a photovoltaic power station will increase the weight of the roof by 15KG/㎡, that is to say, the total weight increase of the roof of a 3KW system is 350KG, and the total weight of the roof of a 5KW system is 600KG. It must be evaluated when adding solar plants on roof to see whether is safe enough or not.

PV mounting system

When the above all are well considered, and it’s time to choose the solar systems providers that have proven track record in market, including solar racking, solar panels, or solar inverters. Antaisolar is a leading supplier of whole industry chain in PV mounting system for over 15 years since 2006, offering a comprehensive portfolio covering solar racking solution for residential or commercial roof installation.

For more practical cases in details, please click at here: https://www.antaisolar.com/projects_nc2

Distributed PV market to grow by more than 50% in 2021 to exceed 7GW of installed capacity in Brazil

 More than 4.7 gigawatts of solar distributed generation capacity has been installed in Brazil, according to statistics from Aneel, the power sector regulator.

As of Wednesday evening, the country's total distributed generation capacity exceeded 4.9 gigawatts, with solar being the most popular clean energy source, with 401,199 solar mounting systems connected to the grid, according to Aneel's real-time update.

Minas Gerais is the state with the largest distributed generation capacity -- 912.21 megawatts, followed by Sao Paulo State at 602 megawatts and Rio Grande do Sul at 597.87 megawatts.

Residential users account for the majority of distributed generation in the country, with 295,816 systems installed. Commercial and rural installations numbered 66,096 and 28,394 systems, respectively.

According to the Brazilian Distributed Generation Association, the distributed generation segment will grow by more than 50% this year and its installed capacity will exceed 7GW by the end of 2021.

Solar ground racking